Fixed APY
Annual Percentage Yield
Last updated
Annual Percentage Yield
Last updated
Annual Percentage Yield is abbreviated as APY. This calculates the real rate of return on your principal investment after compounding interest is applied. In Quanterra, your $QUANT represents your principal, and compound interest is calculated on a periodic basis (every 15 minutes), referred to as a 'Epoch'.
Your new principal amount is equal to the sum of your then-current $QUANT and your newly rebase token amount. This total is used to calculate your subsequent rebase rewards.
Compound Interest's Magnificence - It's critical to remember that your balance will grow exponentially over time, not linearly. Using a compound interest rate of 0.02355 percent / 15 minutes, the following calculation is made:
EXAMPLE 1: If you began the year with a balance of only 1 $QUANT, after a year, your balance will have increased to 3829.45 $QUANT.
EXAMPLE 2: If you began with a $1,000 balance on day 1, after a year, your balance will have increased to $3,830,454.